Plea to Scan

Lacy is extremely friendly and loves riding in cars.  If you open your car door she may jump right in.  However, she may be frightened since she has been away from home for such a long time now.

About Lacy

Help Find Lacy, a very small Beagle.  If you see Lacy you may at first  think she is a puppy.  You may not even recognize that she is a Beagle.  She is not much bigger than a Chihuahua.

Lacy has a microchip with her identity information, but it needs to be scanned by a veterinarian. If you have a dog you think might be Lacy, please call Terry Clark and she will take you to the closest office.


Reward $5000

    For Her Return.            No  Questions Asked.

          Still Missing!


Pinehurst, NC -  Find Lacy.  Please help find Lacy a miniature, toy Beagle missing from Pinehurst since September 19, 2013.  Lacy is female, 18 months old, approx. 15 pounds and 15 inches tall.  When lost, she was wearing multiple collars.  However, she may no longer be wearing a collar.  Lacy is micro-chipped.   Please call Tom or Terry Clark at  (910) 295-1817day or night if have any information.  

Find Lacy lost small beagle in pinehurst reward for lost beagle in pinehurst terry clark pinehurst find lacey